A Spectacular Service and a Job Well Done...
One of the first events I had the privilege of planning as committee chair was Asbury Universitys annual homecoming dance. For the past two years, we stuck with some sort of decade theme, but my committee knew that we wanted to branch out and try something different this time. We decided on a circus theme, and we called it The Big Top.
The Big Top was held in the gym atThe Providence Schoolin Wilmore. For decorations, we used rolls of red and white plastic to create a circus tent. We blew up hundreds of red, gold, black, and blue balloons to cover the dance floor. One of my favorite parts was the sign we created, which consisted of giant black letters that spelled out Big Top and lit with dozens of white Christmas lights.
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For food, we rented popcorn, hot dog, and cotton candy, and snow cone machines from Bryants Rent-All in Lexington. For those students who weren't as excited about dancing, we offered various carnival games. My committee members worked very hard to build several game booths, one of which was a ring toss. Another activity available at the dance was a photo booth, complete with a vintage couch.
This event was a huge success, and I am so thankful I got to be a part of it. The Big Top is proof that you don't need a huge budget to pull off an awesome event. We we're able to stay right around $5,000! Here are just a few of my favorite pictures from the dance. Enjoy!
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